Monday, August 27, 2007

School Train Assessment

The video School Train would receive an A in my class.

It was an excellent example of using technology in a creative way to show comprehension of a lesson. Not only was the video interesting but the students managed to have creative and thoughtful ways of using metaphor to show the relationship between a school and a train. The video showed a lot of effort. They managed to do things with the video creator that was very creative and difficult. I really enjoyed when they did the digital outlining of people and had them scooting along the floor.

It was important for me to watch it more than once because the first time the audio grated on my nerves and I was inclined to grade low. But after watching with peers I no longer mined the electronic music.

Something I think about when mulling technology use over in my head is how much time the students spend on troubleshooting the technology versus understanding the lesson. Technology can be a great asset but as anyone who has used it can tell you sometimes it seems like we have not gone forward at all but simply found new ways to complicate our lives.

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